Authors who wish to contribute to a dossier of Cahiers d'Ethnomusicologie or publish a short, an interview or a report (books, records, multimedia, meetings ...) can contact the editorial staff or send them their writings to the following address:
Cahiers d’ethnomusicologie, rédaction
ADEM, 10, rue de Montbrillant
CH-1201 Genève
Tél. +41 22 418 45 50
Email :
The Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie publish only unpublished works, preferably written in French; selected contributions in other languages will be translated into French. Each article is submitted to one or more experts, who evaluate the scientific interest, the formal quality and the relevance to the theme of the file. The Committee then decides on the merits of its publication and reserves the right to propose changes to the author or to refuse an article if it does not meet the criteria, standards and perspective of the journal.
Unsuccessful articles and reports will not be returned or retained. Any author of an article or an interview or a report receives a copy of the volume of Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie in which it is published - as well as a PDF version of its text layout.
Avec le soutien :