About the Bollywood dances
Bollywood dance was born with Indian cinema and is the direct descendent of classical and popular Indian dances. Before the advent of cinema, several forms of dance had served the function of ‘telling stories’ over the centuries in India. Within India’s history, we find the practice of ‘danced mime’ in diverse forms: the Nautch dancers who performed in the palace courts; the itinerant troupes of artists that passed from village to village telling the stories of the gods. Bollywood is joyful, rhythmic and full of the grace that characterises Indian dances – it is the popular dance that gives rhythm to the lives of millions of Indians.
In these classes we work on dances from the ‘vintage’ repertoire – from the first films – as well as more modern and contemporary choreographies. We also concentrate on some of the basic foundations of the classical dances Kathak and Odissi (position of the body, mudras..), in addition to the rasas or expression of emotions. Warm ups include yoga and stretching.
Dances of all Orient
Like a trip, this course is based on dances from traditional and popular repertoires from several countries. They have in common that they are the expression of popular cultures rooted in the rich traditions that abound in the Orient and the Orient. The focus will be on Turkey, India and Afghanistan as well as influences from North African dance and Persian culture. The dances will be studied, on the one hand, according to their traditional aspects and on the other hand, by exploring their similarities in order to create choreographic links and open up possibilities of interpretation.
Since childhood, Maya has successively practiced classical dance, modern jazz, contemporary dance and West African dances. After six years of practicing Kathak dance from North India, she left for five successive winters in India, where she trained in classical Kathak and Odissi dances, in Rajasthani dances, including the Kalbeliya dance and of course, Bollywood.
At the same time, she is introduced to dances, which for her have a link: gypsy dances, Persian and Afghan dances, oriental and Sufi. She made several trips to Turkey, in order to learn the Roman dance of the gypsies of Turkey. Evolving in parallel in an electronic and experimental musical universe, she goes naturally towards the Tribal Bellydance family, which allows all kinds of fusion.
She has been taking part in workshops since 2011 and is developing her own style of Indian Fusion dance and Tribal Fusion. President of the Apsara Association, in 2016 she organized the first Indian fusion dance festival, "Indian Fusion Sparkles" and the "Urban Fusion" festival in 2018 and continues to organize workshops and one-off events with guest teachers.
Maya, referenced since 2009 as a teacher and artist at the ethnomusicology workshops in Geneva, teaches the Kalbéliya, Roman de Turkey, Bollywood, Indian fusion & Tribal Fusion dances. She has been dancing a duet with Chandini since 2007. In 2016, they created the fire show company “Sillumine”. She dances within the group "Tarab" for the dances of the East and the group "Amrat Hussain Gypsy Trio" for the Indian dances.
ADEM 1 - 10, rue de Montbrillant - 1201 Genève - Monday's cours
ADEM 2 - 44, rue des Maraîchers - 1205 Genève - Thursday's cours
Bollywood : Monday, 18h30-19h45
Dances from all Orient : Thursday, 18h30-19h45
1 lesson by week : Paiement by year : 850 CHF // by quarter (4 quarters) : 250 CHF // by lesson : 30 CHF
T : 076 615 72 07
Email: maya@associationapsara.ch
2 WORKSHOPS: les Aoédé et les Chaga
Sylvie Zahnd
NEW GROUP ON THURSDAY MORNING, IN THE CREATION PHASE: The Chaga, a workshop based on the same system as the Aoédé.
Les Aoédé is a small group of women brought together by the desire to explore and blend their voices in a friendly and benevolent atmosphere.
The repertoire is based on the polyphonies of Georgia but also of the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and Northern Europe.
Sogol Mirzaei
This class offers training in traditional Persian music through introductory or advanced practice of two of its principal instruments: the târ and setâr lutes.
Sinah Ni Nyoman Tordjman
By teaching the basic techniques and movements of these graceful dances, Sinah Tordjman opens up an incredibly rich cultural and artistic universe for discovery. She is a renowned artist who is passionate about the transmission of this unique patrimony.
Next courses: March 1-2, June 7-8
Fouad Didi
These monthly courses are for musicians from all backgrounds mastering one of the following instruments: Violin, cello, oud, guitar, mandolin, qanun, flute, clarinet, ney, derbouka, daf, bendir, etc.