NEW CLASS & Group class around the Afghan repertoire coming soon
Mathieu Clavel
Of Pashtun origin, the rubab (or rabab, robab) with its unique sounds is an instrument of choice in this area to accompany Sufi poems and popular songs.
Sandra Miura
These drums are made of cow skin and heavy, hard carved wood. They’re played with thick sticks and the impact is impressive.
Private or video lessons on request
Viviana sees Oriental dance as a unifying force in its traditional form, because it touches upon one’s deepest being. The dance remains both sacred and feminine for her. She recognises the therapeutic powers of dance and it is with this in mind that she transmits her knowledge.
Salvatore Meccio et Massimo Laguardia
L'objectif de ce cours est la pratique d’ensemble, afin de faire danser aux sons des tambours. Les cours sont donné en alternance par Massimo Laguardia et Salvatore Meccio.
Avec le soutien :