Various meeting moments will be organized by the festival. The artists will present their universe and their imagination to us by illustrating their words with musical examples. So many opportunities to discover live music and amazing instruments !
Thrusday 27th february – 17h to 17h45
Salon de musique du MEG
By Ilkka Heinonen
The lyre is an instrument that has almost completely disappeared from the European musical world except in the context of medieval scholarly music and in some popular folk music as in the case of the Welsh crwth and Finnish jouhikko. Ilkka Heinonen has given it back its place in many genres and styles. He will make us live the different stages of his amazing journey.
Free entry -The concert presentation will be followed at 19:30 by the double concert AUDACES FINLANDAISES
Sunday 1st march - 15h30 to 16h15
Foyer de l’Alhambra - CANCELLED
By the brothers Aastad Bråten
Cousin of the Swiss hackbrett, the langeleik zither on table is an integral part of the soundscape of Norway. Ole and Knut will reveal the secrets of its production, its playing and its repertoire which includes solo instrumental pieces, songs and dances, sometimes animated by a small puppet representing a wooden horse …
Friday 28th february - 14h-17h
AMR Sud des Alpes
(Open to all instruments)
By Erik Rydvall, from duo RYDVALL/MJELVA
Erik Rydvall is one of the most prominent musicians on the Swedish folk music scene today. Rich in his experience and his deep knowledge of traditional Swedish heritage, he will teach several folktunes from his country. This course remains open to any musician who does not know this repertoire or who wishes to discover it.
Saturday 29th february - 18h30
Director : Erik Blomberg (Finlande)
Durée : 65’, VOSTF
This film unfolds the thread of an old Finnish legend. A lament opens and inspires him, giving birth to images and a narrative universe of great emotional force. Infused with the play of light from the nature of the Arctic Circle, punctuated by the magic of a shamanic drum, this story of a woman transformed every night into a white reindeer invites us to enter the singular imagination of Lappish traditions. A rare and dense cinema, with an expressionist dimension that fascinated Jean-Cocteau and conquered the jury of the Cannes Film Festival (Prix du film legendaire, 1953).
Fees cinema : Combined ticket (concert QUINTESSENCE DU FOLK NORDIQUE + film)
The film will be followed at 20h30 by the double concert QUINTESSENCE DU FOLK NORDIQUE
Avec le soutien :