Designed for all levels, this course will introduce you to the vast repertoire of classical Iranian singing, ranging from lyrical songs (17th to 20th centuries) to unrhythmic songs and modal improvisations (avaz).
By performing songs with simple rhythms while accompanying yourself on the Dayereh or Tombak, you will learn the coordination between voice and percussion, according to the traditional teaching method. This simultaneous learning will allow you to develop and improve both vocal techniques (voice placement, ornamentation and modulations specific to the repertoire) and instrumental techniques of Iranian percussion.
Born in Tehran, Hossein Rad was introduced to Persian singing at an early age by his father.
He then studied with masters such as Ali Bayani on setar, Djahanguir Mehparvaran on vocals, Farid Kheradmand and Djamchid Chemirani on dayereh and Tombak, and Hamid Khalatbari on kamantcheh. He also studied the techniques of western classical singing with Muriel Ferraro in Paris.
Since his arrival in Europe in 2005 and in parallel to his university studies, he has been involved in various musical projects and devotes a significant part of his time to teaching and transmitting the art of Iranian singing through regular courses, workshops and masterclasses.
44, rue des Maraichers
1205 Geneva
For other locations, please contact the teacher directly
Monday 5 pm to 9 pm
Friday 8 am to 1 pm
For other course times, please contact the teacher.
During the confinment period due to coronavirus: Online lessons on request
Irregular individual lessons: CHF 70 per lesson (approx. 50 minutes)
Regular individual lessons (minimum 2 lessons per month): CHF 60 per lesson (approx. 50 minutes)
Pair lessons: CHF 50 per lesson per participant (approx. 50-minute lesson)
Regular group classes (10 classes per semester): CHF 40 per class per participant (approx. 2 hours, depending on the number of participants).
For more information on group classes, please contact the teacher.
Email :
P : +41 (0)79 456 33 09
Lakshmy Natarajan
Carnatic music is considered one of the most ancient music systems in the world. It is a learned music that is full of emotion and involves a lot of improvisation.
Hungary has a rich inventory of traditional music that is respected well beyond its own borders. The dances are varied and are taught to a large public of all ages during workshops or live music dance evenings (tanchaz), which is another Hungarian tradition
Sujatha Venkatesh
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