January 14 & 15, March 11 & 12, June 10 & 11, 2023
Héloïse Fracheboud
Yodeling is the cry that becomes a melody, sometimes nostalgic and contemplative, sometimes joyful and festive, it can be "raw" as well as very sophisticated, with the same purpose: to express oneself, to share a part of what moves us, to materialize the unspeakable.
NEW CLASS & Group class around the Afghan repertoire coming soon
Mathieu Clavel
Of Pashtun origin, the rubab (or rabab, robab) with its unique sounds is an instrument of choice in this area to accompany Sufi poems and popular songs.
Meera - Fanny Marquet
In this all-levels class, you will learn or train the technical basics of Kathak dance, while learning about the culture in which it was born. You will become familiar with the gods and goddesses, Krishna, Durga or Shiva, while improving your balance and the precision of your movements with foot strikes and pirouettes. A trip to India guaranteed!