Fr 28 May 2021 | 20:30 | AMR - Sud des Alpes
Sankoum Cissokho and Mbar Ndiaye belong to the great families of griots (poets and musicians) of Dakar. Sankoum is the direct descendant of Soundioulou Cissokho "king of the kora" of the Mandingo Empire. Mbar Ndiaye has inherited the art of percussion and storytelling. Among the griots, children grow up among musical instruments, an intimate relationship unites them, and they must perpetuate the tradition by maintaining and animating the collective memory. Sankoum and Mbar have been immersed in this universe since their childhood. Eager to share it elsewhere, especially in Europe, they created their own groups. Building on their success, they have accompanied and opened for many renowned artists, representative of African music of our time (Ouza Diallo - Baaba Maal - Youssou N’Dour - Salif Keita - Amadou and Mariam).
Today, this new duo based in Switzerland offers their vision of a vocal and instrumental heritage rooted in Senegalese traditions.
Fr 28 May 2021 | 20:30
Online ticketsJauge limitée ! 50 personnes maximum. Réservation obligatoire via la billetterie en ligne. (1 billet maximum par personne merci)
AMR-Sud des Alpes, 10 rue des Alpes
Concert gratuit- participation libre via notre billetterie en ligne.
T : +41 (0) 22 716 56 30
Prélocation et billetterie en ligne : AMR, 10 rue des Alpes
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Attention : Nous vous invitons à consulter notre page INFO COVID pour connaitre les conditions d’accueil du public pour ce concert. Cette page est actualisée régulièrement sur la base des mesures sanitaires en vigueur.
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