Fr 20 March 2020 | 21:00 | AMR
CANCELLATION : The concert is canceled in accordance with the new measures to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus by the Council of State of the Canton of Geneva.Kendro Sofia presents a concert at the crossroads of Greece, the Middle East and Europe. Dimitri and Antoine, performers and instrument makers, offer a sound quest filled with the perfumes of many voyages and encounters.
Dimitri Zambragkis : Chant, oud, diplo laouto, saz, pandouras (hybrid), rebab (hybrid)
Antoine Bourgeau :Tabla, udu, bendir, gong, cymbal
Fr 28 February 2020 | 21:00 | AMR
Fr 15 January 2021 | 20:00 | AMR
21 - 22 March | Musée d'ethnographie de Genève - MEG / CANCELLED
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