The Bharata Natyam is a dance style that dates back 2000 years and originated in the temples of Tamil Nadu in southern India
Sujatha Venkatesh, Artistic Director of the Omkara School of Indian Dance, has been teaching, training, creating and choreographing shows since 1987 in Geneva.
Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie - 10, rue de Montbrillant - 1201 Genève
Wednesday - Adults & children : Beginners 13h-14h15 : Beginners II : 14h15-15h30
FEES : 150.- CHF
T : +41 (0) 22 784 08 52
Email :
website :
January 14 & 15, March 11 & 12, June 10 & 11, 2023
Héloïse Fracheboud
Yodeling is the cry that becomes a melody, sometimes nostalgic and contemplative, sometimes joyful and festive, it can be "raw" as well as very sophisticated, with the same purpose: to express oneself, to share a part of what moves us, to materialize the unspeakable.
Sinah Ni Nyoman Tordjman
By teaching the basic techniques and movements of these graceful dances, Sinah Tordjman opens up an incredibly rich cultural and artistic universe for discovery. She is a renowned artist who is passionate about the transmission of this unique patrimony.
Khalil Bensid
Gnawa music originated in the Maghreb from the cultural practices that Black African slaves brought with them. It is called Gnawa in Morocco, Diwan in Algeria, and Stambali in Tunisia and Libya.
Sogol Mirzaei
This class offers training in traditional Persian music through introductory or advanced practice of two of its principal instruments: the târ and setâr lutes.